
¹2 (27) 2016

Demography and social economy, 2016, 2(27):102-114
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.02.102

L.G. Bogush
Ph.D. (Economics), Senior Researcher,
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv-32, Taras Shevchenko Blvd. 60
E-mail: bogush_lg@ukr.net

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The methodological foundations of determination of social authority of local government bodies of basic level in the conditions of its decentralization and administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine are substantiated; the factors and challenges of their implementation in the context of ensuring the stability of organizational and economic mechanism that maintains the quality of life of local communities are defined. Interaction of macroeconomics, regional economics, social sphere and service sectors categories outlines the main directions of social authority of local government in view of the vital and social significance of satisfaction of the community appropriate needs as a leading factor of ensuring the stability of its development and optimization of competitive potential. The criterion for selection of immanent social powers of local government is to satisfy the needs of social and age categories of community residents, functional groups, particular individuals, motivated by primary vital necessity, as well as by organization of consumption of socially useful services of mainly daily and periodic demand. Delegation of social powers of local government is determined by the role of such activities in: equalization of starting opportunities of the local community human development (in comparison with the regional, nationwide, interstate parameters); achievement of its sustainable functioning as a competitive socio-economic subsystem, including through the implementation of incentives of economy innovative diversification.
Key words: state social guarantees and standards, organizational and economic mechanism of social welfare, factors of delimitation of social authority, administrative and territorial reform, local government.
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