¹2 (27) 2016
Demography and social economy, 2016, 2(27):26-38
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.02.0026
L.I. Slyusar
Ph. D., Leading scientific worker
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv-32, Taras Shevchenko Blvd., 60
E-mail: L.Slyusar@bigmir.net
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The family as a multifunctional social institution has a complex internal structure, but the mechanisms of
parenting relationship provide the realization of main family functions - birth, maintenance, socialization of the
child. Specificity of parenthood in different families and pluralization of parenting forms are the consequence
of the modern transformation of the family and different types of family associations. The parenting functions
and relationships are diverse in families of different settlement type (urban and rural), with different number
of children (multi-child and one-child family), and structure (simple and complex). But form of parenthood is
fundamentally changed in families that emerged as a result of modernization of marriage and family behavior of
the population: family with single parent, restructured family, a family with long-distance marriage. There are
certain contradictions between freedom of choice of lifestyle that pluralization of forms of marriage and family
provides, and social demand for the “comfortable” conditions of socialization of the younger generation, which
traditional institution of parenthood provides. Resolving these contradictions doesn’t require return to the previous
forms of marriage and family behavior that is impossible; but it requires modernization of the institution of
parenthood based on the modern humanist principles of respect and love for each child, understanding of the
value of them, responsible attitude to them irrespective of the forms of marital relationship of parents.
In Ukraine the expansion of poverty among families with children, unresolved housing problems, alcoholism,
and drug addiction affect the system of relationship between parents and children. These problems deform the specificity of parenthood in different types of families, intensify negative aspects, and increase the risks. The
complexity of the current stage of development in Ukraine, primarily due to the military conflict, increases those
risks and creates new problems.
Key words: family, parenthood, children, marriage, society, institute, responsible parenthood.
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