¹2 (27) 2016
Demography and social economy, 2016, 2(27):156-168
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.02.156
Yu. Kogatko
PhD (Geography), Senior Researcher
Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01032, Ukraine, Kyiv-32, Taras Shevchenko Blvd., 60
E-mail: kogatko@gmail.com
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Throughout the known history of mankind there were significant disparities in the level and quality of life. Over
the past century, major changes took place in people’s lives, and these changes have contributed to the improvement
in the lives of some countries or regions and no change or deterioration in others. The growth of settlement
disparities in the level and quality of life has become another problem, and it is partially responsible for the
decreasing populations of villages and towns and uncontrolled growth of cities.
Particularly acute is the question of overcoming territorial disparities in the level and quality of life in countries
with a large area, in states with territories within complex relief or climatic conditions, as well as urbanized
countries where there is a significant development gap between the modern cities and the depressed province in
terms of living conditions.
By analyzing international experience in overcoming regional imbalances in the level and quality of life,
we can highlight the main tools used by states for this purpose: federal subsidies and transfers; tax preferences;
payments alignment; delegating the solution of critical social problems to regions; creation of special trade areas;
creation of specialized funds and institutions for the development of depressed regions; development of infrastructure
projects; creation of state enterprises; public investments.
Key words: international experience territorial disproportions, the level and quality of life, regional transfers,
public investment.
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