
¹2 (27) 2016

Demography and social economy, 2016, 2(27):143-155
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.02.143

O.O. Davydyuk
PhD (Sociology), senior researcher
Head of Department of Social Services
Institute of Labor and Employment Ministry of Social
Policy and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
01030, Ukraine, Kiev-32, Ivan Franko St., 15-b
E-mail: olena.davydyuk@gmail.com

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This article is about problem of finding effective forms of social services for the elderly in the context of increasing trends that life expectancy and the growth of the elderly. With the task of optimizing spending on care for the elderly we have the task of ensuring the humane treatment of persons which need long term care. Its mean the reduction in residential care in the structure of social care of the elderly – deinstitutionalisation. This article analyzes factors of transition from institutional care for the elderly to the care at the community level. Described deinstitutionalisation of social services as a perspective area of reform, analyzes the foreign trends, approaches and experiences. Provided arguments about transition from institutional care system to system services at the community level, family type. Distinguished the main forms of family-based care for the elderly as an alternative to institutional care. The analysis allowed to develop the algorithm of deinstitutionalisation of social service for elderly in Ukraine. It includes the preparatory phase and the implementation phase. The first phase consists – assessment of systems and resources; development of regulatory documents; organization of pilot surveys. The second – creating an electronic database of subjects; training of specialists, support providers and customers; control and monitor the needs of the elderly. Recommended alternative forms of care in the current Ukrainian realities.
Key words: elderly, deinstitutionalization, stationary institutions, social services, family-based care.
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