
¹1 (26) 2016 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2016, 1(26):93-105
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.01.093

Dmytrenko G.A.
Dr. of Sciences (Åconomics), Prof., Department of Economics and Management of Human Resources SHEI «University Education Management» NAPS of Ukraine,
04053, Kiev, st. Sichovyh Stril`tsiv, 52, à
E-mail: dmitrenko2000@meta.ua

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article defines the main reason for the low stock of social capital in Ukraine, which is a deep distrust to the government, as a result of the substantial estrangement of the interests of the ruling elite from the interests of citizens.
In particular, is investigated that to this estrangement leads the lack of responsibility of structures of the power before the society, for the final results of its activities and the almost complete exclusion of citizens from the control of the government (an example is the operating system of elections in Ukraine). It is noted that the end result of the activities of authorities of all levels, is the index of the quality of life in villages, settlements and cities.
It characterizes the degree of satisfaction of essential human needs and at the same time the level of selfrealization in different spheres of life. It is shown that the uniqueness of Ukraine, which is caused by the specifics of social capital, requires the corresponding unique strategic path and unique technological means to increase it.
Key words: uniqueness of Ukraine, social capital, self-realization, the state management system, the quality of life of citizens, the final assessment of performance, the unique technology of the survey population.
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