
¹1 (26) 2016

Demography and social economy, 2016, 1(26):31-41
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.01.031

Oliinyk O.O.
PhD (Economics), senior lecturer National University of Water Management and Natural Resources Use
33000, Rivne, Soborna street, 11
Å-mail: oliynuk_olena@ukr.net

Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This paper deals with the fundamental nature of corporate social responsibility in employment relations. The research also examines the key guidelines and components required for implementing corporate social responsibility in employment relations. The study based on the approaches of prominent scientists describes a concept of social partnership. Drawing on previous literature and case study research, it proves that social partnership is the key tool for the interaction between an employer and employees. Drawing on previous literature and case study research, the study presents conceptual principles of the process of corporate social responsibility implementation in employment relations through social partnerships. The given concept includes objective, principles, tasks, interaction forms between social partners, and expected results. The article also analyses the principles of implementing corporate social responsibility in labour relations which, in their turn, include social partnership principles and social responsibility principles. Realizing the importance of the interaction of social partners, the author then substantiates that choosing the right form for social partnership is one of the most important elements of the corporate social responsibility implementation concept in employment relations. The paper also determines the major benefits and effects of the implementation of the developed corporate social responsibility conceptual framework for business entities.
Key words: corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsibility in labor relations, social partnership, stakeholders, social partners.
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