
¹1 (26) 2016

Demography and social economy, 2016, 1(26):158-168
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.01.158

Ivegesh G.-M.
Master of Arts in International Relations and European Studies Central European University,
Hungary, Budapest, 1051, Nàdor, 9
Å-mail: igannamaria@gmail.com

Language: English
Abstract: The current study is focused on migration of Ukrainian citizens to the European Union for the purposes of work. It considers unique characteristics of Ukrainian migrants and the Union’s reaction to immigrants. While European migration policies are effective, they are not sufficient in dealing with labor migrants in general and with what this study focuses on – Ukrainian labor migrants. The main problem is the misunderstanding of key features of immigrants, hence instead of state-level policies more attention should be paid to migrants themselves. Once the governments of European countries start to understand key characteristics and motivations of immigrants, they will be able to deal with them in a more effective way. This is where diaspora can become a policy tool. Ukrainian migrants stick to each other and support each other in a foreign country, furthermore, diaspora is the key channel of transfer of reliable information and not the other open sources. By creating a regulated relationship between governments of European countries and Ukrainian diaspora two important results will be achieved: firstly, the government will have better knowledge of what the migrants are doing once they are in the country, and secondly, the migrants can gain access to a larger amount of vital for them information (key aspects of relevant legislation, help available for them, information about labor or housing markets, etc.). With liberalization of the visa regime between the Union and Ukraine, a rethinking of Union’s migration policies is necessary.
Key words: migration policy, Ukraine, diaspora network, labor migrants, integration, host society, Association Agreement.
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