¹1 (26) 2016
Demography and social economy, 2016, 1(26):118-131
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2016.01.118
Kozhemiakina O.M.
PhD, Senior Researcher
Cherkasy State Technological University
18006, Ukraine, Cherkasy, blvd. Shevchenka, 460
E-mail: oksniko@mail.ru
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article analyzes conceptual correlation between concepts of trust and social capital, also factors of the selforganization
potential of local social capital are determined. The imperative of trust as value-normative orientation
of reliable social interactions is defined as a conceptual basis of social capital. The specific culture of trust
in the correlation with social capital is disclosed in the context of concepts of emergence, subsidiary, solidarity,
responsibility and emancipation of values. It is alleged that the emancipation of values of personal recognition
and of responsibility for their own life is one of the conditions for the emancipation of the value of society and
the state, which contributes to the formation of civil society (as a society agreed embodiment autonomy of the
economy) and the law-based state.
Local social capital is analyzed as a triunity of social, economic and political dimensions of social coexistence
in meeting common needs that is embodied in the structures of civil society. The article emphasizes the
importance of agential, cultural and structural resources in the formation of social capital. The conclusion of the
interdependence of social capital and trust is drawn, social capital requires a certain level of trust and reliability
of social relationships as a potential factor at the same time formation of culture of trust a sufficient level of social
capital as an actualized factor is required.
Key words: trust, social capital, culture of trust, values, norms, interests, solidarity, subsidiary, civil society.
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