
¹3 (25) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 3(25):209-219
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.03.015

H. Krayevska
PhD (Ecomonic), Researcher Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 01032, Kyiv, blvd. Taras Shevchenko, 60
E-mail: galina_krasvska@mail.ru

The Employment in Rural Settlements of Ukraine: Problems and Ways of Resolving Them
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In the article dynamic changes are analyzed and the problems of the employment are educed in the rural settlements of Ukraine, of which the main are: the low capacity of the labor market, deformalization of the employment, low-productivity employment in small commodity subsidiary farm. Comparison of employment of rural settlements and cities is conducted by education and employment status which indicates the decline of qualification the rural population compared to urban. Offered direction in resolving of problems of the employment in the rural settlements of Ukraine through the institutionalization of rural development, the use of the project approach and the creation of a new socio-economic mechanism of functioning of primary units of rural settlement on the basis of public-private partnerships. The special attention is given to the problems of employment in the rural population only in the subsidiary farm and reasonably possible ways of resolving them.
Key words: rural settlements, private farms, employment, labor market, institutionalization of rural development.
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