¹3 (25) 2015 ð.
Demography and social economy, 2015, 3(25):199-208
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.03.014
V. Miklovda
Dr. Sci., Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Head of the Department of Enterprise Economics of the State University
«Uzhhorod National University»
Uzhgorod, Universytetska Str., 14, Department of Economics, r. 403, 88000.
E-mail: bsc10@mail.ru
N. Kubiniy
Ph.D., prof., Professor of the Department of Enterprise Economics
of the State University «Uzhhorod National University»
Uzhgorod, v.Universytetska, 14, Department of Economics, r. 403, 88000
E-mail: bsc10@mail.ru
S. Mîshak
applicant of of the Department of Enterprise Economics
of the State University «Uzhhorod National University»
Uzhgorod, Universytetska Str., 14, Department of Economics, r. 403, 88000
E-mail: bsc10@mail.ru
Ukraine Competitiveness Ranking
by Labour Efficiency
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of a comparative evaluation of the competitiveness of the economic systems of
Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Romania, border areas which make up the Carpathian Euroregion.
The level of competitiveness in this study is defined by a rating based on their performance labor calculated based
on the following indicators: the ratio of the share of gross domestic product in the world GDP and the proportion
of the economically active population in the world economically active population; the level of productivity; timing
factor productivity growth compared with the growth in average wages. In the ranking of competitiveness of
economies in terms of the efficiency of labor Ukraine ranks fifth The findings suggest the need to develop strategies
to improve the efficiency of labor and formation of mechanisms of activation of reserves of increase in labor
productivity in Ukraine.
Key words: competitiveness, economic system, efficiency, productivity, rating criteria of competitiveness, indicators
of competitiveness, labor cost.
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