¹2 (24) 2015 ð.
Demography and social economy, 2015, 2(24):116-128
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.02.116
V.S. Zaiats
PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher, Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The Formation of Population Income in Ukraine: Special Aspects and Trends
Section: Population living standards and social problems
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Research and evaluation of complex and contradictory processes of formation, distribution and use of population
incomes can be performed on the basis of different methodological principles – starting from their theoretical consideration as the main source of reproduction of labor power and achieving of the appropriate level of life through to substantiation of leading functional role in ensuring of the normal course of reproduction processes at the regional level. Regional opportunities of income increasing and optimization of its structure are determined primarily by the emergence of new sources or by diversification of existing sources upon condition of territories integrated economic development and rational use of local budgets.
The current process of aggregate population income formation in Ukraine is characterized by changes in the ratio of main income sources during 2000–2013, which can be represented by such groups: with the steady upward trend – salaries and emoluments, entrepreneurial and self-employment income, social transfers; with a significant downward trend – proceeds from the sale of agricultural products obtained from private households, perquisites and subsidies for housing and utilities; with the relatively stable dynamics – property income, revenue from the sale of assets, financial assistance. Currently, non-cash population incomes remain essential mainly in agricultural areas of specialization.
The absolute level of total income of vast majority of Ukraine’s population remains low. The practice of determining the minimum social and labor standards substantially differs from European, taking into account the real cost of living in the country, and thus ensuring the welfare of the population. Despite solving of tasks aimed at building of economically and socially justified norms and standards of wages, considerable part of Ukrainians survives using migration capital.
Key words: aggregate income, wages, sources of income formation, adjustment of income, social and labor guarantees and standards.
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