
¹2 (24) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 2(24):65-75
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.02.065

I.V. Zhalinska
PhD in Economic, Senior Researcher, Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Approaches to the Construction and Applications of Labour-Oriented Social Accounting Matrix
Section: Labour market and employment
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The aim of the research is to determine key features of the labour-oriented Social Accounting Matrixces (SAM), the consideration of methodological approaches to their building and analytical capabilities.
The paper considers an approach to the expansion of a particular element of a National Accounting Matrix using additional sources of information. The attention is focused at the labour-oriented SAM, which examines the role of the population in the economy researching of supply and demand for labour using description of the characteristics of employees and households by income sources. Their construction flexibility and significant analytical capabilities as the main features of the matrix are determined. The most popular approaches to the construction of the SAM are defined. The basic analytical uses of the labour-oriented SAM are determined: research productivity of labour; employment; composition of labour among industries in terms of gender, education level; gender cost of labour differential among industries. It is proven that the advantage of using the SAM in the evaluation of labour market indicators is the highest level of reliability and detail.
It is determined that the analytical capabilities of labour-oriented SAM and significant dependence of meth-odology for constructing it from the national conditions of the labour market and the statistical system actualize the research of methodological and practical construction of the labour-oriented SAM in Ukraine.
Key words: Social Accounting Matrix, National Accounting Matrix, satellite system, labour market.
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