
¹2 (24) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 2(24):31-40
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.02.031

O.À. Malinovska
Dr. of science (Public Administration), chief researcher, National Institute for Strategic Studies

Ukrainian-Polish Migration Corridor: Features and Importance
Section: Demographic problems
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the dynamics and characteristics of Ukrainian-Polish migrations of recent decades. It is shown that the intensity of the cross-border mobility on Polish-Ukrainian border is growing, primarily due to the residents of border areas and due to the regime favorable for travel of Ukrainians established by the Polish side. Basically, Ukrainians travel to Poland guided by economic reasons, for the purpose of trade or employment. A feature of the Ukrainian-Polish migration is its temporary, circular character which is provided for by the simplified procedure for admission of temporary workers from Ukraine to the labour market in Poland. The majority of Ukrainian migrant workers are employed in Poland as unskilled labour in agriculture, trade, construction, local households. However, migration to Poland of professionals is growing, as well as of Ukrainian youth leaving to study. Given the tensions in relations between Ukraine and Russia, which until recently was the main partner of Ukraine in the exchange of population, the Polish direction of migration of Ukrainians is becoming the most important.
Key words: labour migration, circular migration, Ukrainian-Polish migration relations.
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