¹2 (24) 2015 ð.
Demography and social economy, 2015, 2(24):164-173
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.02.164
V.V. Turok
Head of Sector Monitoring Public Procurement, Department of Economic Development and Trade, Zakarpatska State Region Authority
Evaluation of Danger to Get into Human Trafficking Situation to Different Population Groups of Ukraine
Section: Researches of the young scientists
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The socio-demographic groups that are most at risk of getting into a situation of human trafficking are identified in the article. The method of hierarchies’ analysis was used by the author to collecting expert opinions. The author determines the main factors inducing people into human trafficking: low awareness of the problem, difficult life circumstances (financial difficulties) and complex family problems. Such demographic groups like middle-aged men, children and young men are under the biggest risk of being involved into human trafficking. The conclusions of the experts’ interviews correspond with the statement of the International Organization for Migration that men have applied for assistance of the IOM more often then women, and that labour exploitation has been the most common form of exploitation of human trafficking victims during the last years.
Key words: human trafficking, combating human trafficking, migration, socio-demographic group.
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