
¹2 (24) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 2(24):153-163
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.02.153

I.O. Mostova
PhD in Geography, researcher, Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

External Labour Migration in the Long Term Socio-Economic Development of the Exporting Countries
Section: Researches of the young scientists
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the results of international studies about interaction of labour migration with some social and economic aspects of labour exporting country’s development. Also there are shown the possible consequences of this interaction are shown. The article reports that remittances play a critical role in the society and state development in the short and long term. There was calculated The correlation coefficient between the size of the migration capital and major macroeconomic indicators (GDP, CPI and unemployment) is calculated. The closeness of relationship between the size of migration remittances and household expenditure on education, public capital investments for construction their of own apartments and private housing, the number of small enterprises, population with average incomes below the subsistence minimum, the index of industrial products and agricultural products is revealed in the article. Application of the basic ideas about international migration and socio-economic development in terms of the western region as a region of donor labour is reflected upon in the article. The specificityc of external labour migration in Ukraine is characterized. The necessity of the research labour migration research in Ukraine is justified in order to identify the specific consequences of its impact on the development of the state is soundly.
Key words: labour migration, re-emigration, households, socio-economic development, manpower, labour force, money transfers.
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