¹2 (24) 2015 ð.
Demography and social economy, 2015, 2(24):129-140
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2015.02.129
O.O. Davydyuk
PhD (Sociology), Head of Department of Social Services, Institute of Labor and Employment, Ministry of Social Policy and National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Problematic Aspects of the Reintegration of Homeless People Who Lost Their Homes as à Result of Imprisonment
Section: Population living standards and social problems
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article is about topicality of a differentiated approach in working with homeless people who lost their homes due to imprisonment. Considered The law on social adaptation of persons released from prison is considered and analyzed domestic realities on measures of social support for certain categories of homeless people are analyzed. According to the results of empirical research identified the main socio-demographic characteristics of homeless people who lost their homes due to imprisonment are identified, described their health, livelihoods are described, defines their specific needs for reintegration are defined. The recommendations on the implementation of effective social support measures of the categories of homeless people are identified on the basis of specific needs. Particular attention is paid to the problems of employment – it is showsn that employment is a major prerequisite for effective adaptation and social reintegration of homeless persons released from prison. The identified aspects of employment of this category of persons who are not able to compete in the labor market, the development of specialized socio-economic enterprises is noted as an important area of increasing employment among this category of persons mentioned development of specialized socio-economic enterprises.
Key words: homelessness, incarceration, reintegration, specific needs, socio-demographic characteristics.
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