
¹1 (23) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):102-112

T.N. Kalashnikova
Ph. D. in Economics, Senior Researcher Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Providing with territorially localized benefits in the context of human development
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article considers some complex of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of human development in it’s spatial aspect. The need to develop such direction of researches is based on the analysis of the regional human development in Ukraine, which has found a gap in the level of development of rural areas and urban settlements.
This study shows that current state of affairs is largely caused by modern development of the productive forces, which stimulates the polarization of a space, herewith the social consequences of this is the growth of territorial social differentiation. It is necessary to combat this negative phenomenon by stimulating the different types of self-organization of population and improving the mechanism of local government. For this purpose the questions of delivery of local benefits are viewed by author from the point of institutional theory, which proves that it is possible to create an optimal distribution of authorities taking into account such criteria as the diversity of demand, the impact of externalities and economies of scale in accordance with the financial resources for the provision of public benefits. The practical side of the issue of delivery of benefits which are geographically localized - is the area of competence of local government, which is why the efficiency of local government largely determines the level of development of local communities, which brings us to the question of the level of human development in the settlements of different levels.
Key words: human development, spatial dimension, territorial organization, polarization of space, territorial and social segregation, local public benefits, self-organization, local government.
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