
¹1 (23) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):90-101

O.A. Grishnova
ScD in Economics, Professor at the Department of Enterprise Economics Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Î.G. Brintseva
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor at the Personnel Management and Labour Economics Department Vadim Getman Kyiv National Economic University

Fictitious human capital: essence, characteristics, formation factors
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Spread of unproductive forms of the human capital, processes of its fictivization in modern conditions assume a global scale, significantly influencing of formation, accumulation and use of the human capital at all levels. In the context of evolution of the concept of the human capital the essence, characteristics and spheres of formation of its new unproductive form – the fictitious human capital which is defined as created and saved up by the person as a result of unproductive and illegal investments (or deformed as a result of long non-use) a certain asset of fictitious characteristics of health, knowledge, skills, abilities which is purposefully used by this person in the social and labor relations, doesn’t promote labor productivity growth, but thus influences growth of the income of the owner, reducing possible profit of the enterprise and the national income. The comparative characteristic of the human capital and fictitious human capital on key signs is carried out. The matrix of allocation of unproductive forms of the human capital - negative, virtual and fictitious is offered. According to the spheres of formation it is possible to determine the fictitious capital of education, the fictitious capital of professional skills and the fictitious capital of health. It is defined that processes of a fictivization of the human capital occurs as due to creation of the new fictitious human capital, and by transformation of the real human capital in fictitious as a result of long non-use or purposeful deformations. Factors of a fictivization of the human capital in Ukraine are allocated; the directions of reduction of their negative influence are proved.
Key words: unproductive forms of the human capital, fictitious human capital, destructive human capital, virtual human capital, factors of fictivization, fictitious capital of education, fictitious capital of professional skills, fictitious capital of health
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