¹1 (23) 2015 ð.
Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):79-89
Yu. V. Goremykina
Ph.D. in econ., Researcher, Ptukha Institute for demography and social studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The classification of the appoaches for the evaluation of social services
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This article reviews the methodological approaches to the evaluation of social services and generalizes them, highlights the priorities for different kinds of evaluation of social services. The relevance of these issues is caused by the need to enhance the functioning of social services in Ukraine in terms of today’s challenges.
The author identifies a number of features, giving the possibility to classify the approaches to the evaluation of social service. They are: the objective of evaluation, the methodic of evaluation, and the results of evaluation. The author proposes a classification of approaches to the evaluation of social services, which is based on recent researches in the field of development of methods and techniques of evaluation of social services. The introduced classification is built on systematic approach and takes into account quantitative and qualitative characteristics of social services.
Key words: social services, classification, evaluation of social services, methodological approaches to the evaluation of social services
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