
¹1 (23) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):67-78

Gvelesiani A.G.
PhD Economics, Leading Researcher Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Litvine I.N.
PhD Statistics, Professor in Statistics and Director Centre of Expertise in Forecasting Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University University way, Port Elizabeth 6031 Republic of South Africa

The State of Investment in Social Infrastructure in Ukraine
Language: English
Abstract: Conditions of investment into social infrastructure of Ukraine are analysed. Inadequate state of social facilities, slow modernization and accumulation of obsolete and outdated assets reduce the effectiveness of the social sector and cannot support the provision of quality timely services to the population. The main tendencies and characteristics of social infrastructure investment in Ukraine from 2001–2013 are outlined. The role of the state investment in the development of education, health, housing, culture and sport activity, trade, hotels and restaurants is investigated; the dynamics of commissioning of new social facilities is reviewed; the structure of the investment as per source of funding is examined. The data for the empirical study is sourced from statistics on investments and fixed assets of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
Key words: social infrastructure, investments, investment process, fixed assets, capital assets, health and educational institutions
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