¹1 (23) 2015 ð.
Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):55-66
V.N. Novikov
D-r of economics, Prof., Head of Department Ptouha Institute for Demography and Social Studies
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Improving Fiscal Policies – the Main Determinant of Development of Social Infrastructure
Language: Russian
Abstract: The experience in the field of financial and budgetary mechanism of social infrastructure development in Ukraine.
The increase in inequality of funding and use of health, educational and cultural services between regions and within them is established. Key factors of financing of social sectors that are important for explaining the declining effectiveness of regional policy are considered.
The statistical methods of visualization of empirical data and statistical apparatus for informational basis of the recommendations on the ground of multilateral estimations were applied, in purpose to identify the key factors of declining stability of social infrastructure operation.
The requirements to improve the inter-budgetary relations, to ensure equality of conditions for the use of services of social infrastructure, were concluded. In terms of complicated socio-economic situation for determining the costs of social infrastructure services it is preferable to use the program-target method
Key words: social infrastructure, finance, fiscal policy, program-target method
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