¹1 (23) 2015 ð.
Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):22-31
S.V. Polyakova
PhD Economics, Leading Researcher Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
T.V. Novosilska
chief Economist Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Population consumption poverty: new measuring
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The new methodological approaches as to the study of poverty of population according to consumption are presented in the article. The category of needy is proposed to include the population that is at the same time poorer according to relative and structural criteria (combined criterium 1), according to relative and daily calorie dite less than 2100 kcal (combined criterium 2). It is proved, that using only part of expenditures for food and energy value diet as criteria have certain warnings and do not reflect the real picture of poverty of population according to consumption. Corresponds to one, separately taken criterion does not always mean poverty, but can be a result of consumer choice. Instead, using combined criteria gives opportunity to isolate the population, that not on their own will, but due to lack of many can’t afford consumption on the level specific for Ukrainian society.
Key words: poverty, poverty criteria, consumption, consumer society, spending behavior, consumption poverty
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