
¹1 (23) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):163-172

Lisogor L.
D-r of Economics, Prof. Head of the Department Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

European Experience of Skills Anticipation: Lessons for Ukraine
Language: English
Abstract: The problems of the formation of the anticipation system of the economy’s need in labour force given the EU experience are investigated in article. Legislation basis of skills anticipation system formation in EU is analyzed. The methodological approaches to the informational and organizational provision of CEDEFOP skills anticipation and possibilities of its use in Ukraine are defined. The main ways of the formation of the system of anticipation of the economy’s needs in labour force by occupations based on existing EU experience are proposed. The main methodological approaches to middle-term anticipation of labour market needs elaborated by Ministry of Economic Development and Trade that foresees the calculation of the indicators of additional needs in labour are presented. The necessity of providing reliable statistically justified basis for social dialogue between main stakeholders interested in labour demand and supply matching, including employers, educational institutions, local and central authorities, non-government organizations is substantiated.
Key words: labour demand; labour supply matching; CEDEFOP skills anticipation system; methodological approaches to skills anticipation.
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