
¹1 (23) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):150-162

U. Sadova
Doctor of Economics, Professor State Institute «Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishniy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»
M. Bàchynska
Ph.D. Junior Researcher State Institute «Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishniy National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Organization and development of geriatric care to the population in Ukraine: regional aspects
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This paper presents the methodological and applied principles of research of geriatric care system for population. The relevance of concepts of terminological apparatus of the market of geriatric services (“organization of geriatric care”, “geriatric service”) is indicated, the author’s approach to the problems of development and territorial network organization of objects of the profile is given. The problems of the state of geriatric care in Ukraine and Lviv region are analysed.
Regional characteristics of the system of geriatric care in Lviv region are covered. It is shown that setting perspective development goals for the network of objects of geriatric care, as well as the implementation of the objectives of state social policy at the regional level should proceed from principles of social responsibility to provide health care elderly by family doctors as well as those close to them and their relatives. The need for substantial effectiveness in activities related with an increase in levels of public trust in service of the state sanitary assistance and employees of social service, knowledge and awareness of people about their rights for geriatric care, opportunities to obtain a wider range and higher quality services for a fee and so on, is highlighted.
The preconditions of reorganization and development of geriatric care in regions of Ukraine are explained. The methodical approach for determining the amount of the minimum needs of the population in the region of geriatric services per capita for elderly people is developed.
Key words: organization of the system of geriatric care, geriatric service, population ageing, elderly population, minimum requirement, quality of life.
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