¹1 (23) 2015 ð.
Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):126-136
B. Krimer
senior research officer Ptîukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Ukraine
Effect of recent decades wars on fertility in Europe
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The impact of wars on fertility in modern conditions is analyzed in this paper. The consequences of the conflicts of the last decades in developed countries are considered. Changes in the dynamics and structure of fertility under the influence of wars are characterized. Ways to minimize the negative consequences of the conflict are formulated.
Post-war compensation growth of fertility in modern industrialized countries combines with postponement of
childbirth under the influence of values transformation. Thus, in contrast to the previous post-war periods, fertility increases mainly in older age cohorts of childbearing age, stretches over time after the war and is not a clearly marked «surge».
War in modern conditions accelerates the processes of fertility postponement. War conflicts do not affect fertility significantly the older age groups of women of childbearing age (40–44) and have very little effect on fertility of women aged 35–49 years, but the negative effect on fertility of younger women is very noticeable, similar to the effect of economic crisis. Births out of wedlock also slightly increase. Ultimately, the impact of wars on the final generation fertility is not essential.
In the short term, the post-war Ukraine would expect a decrease of childbirth in younger age groups of childbearing age that will define total fertility. We can assume that compensatory rise in fertility will not be momentary – it will be slow over the next decade and will be accompanied by a noticeable transformation in age-patterns of fertility. The negative impact of war and forced migration on marriage, the family situation and dynamics of fertility, for further favorable course of events may well be very short-lived.
Key words: fertility, war, fertility trends, fertility changes, postponement of childbirths, non-marital fertility, recession.
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