
¹1 (23) 2015 ð.

Demography and social economy, 2015, 1(23):113-125

P. Shevchuk
Ph.D. in Economics, Research Fellow Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Reconstruction of birth structure by parity of birth and age of mother in ukraine in 1995–1998
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The transition to low fertility in Europe, and later in Ukraine, was accompanied by changes in the structure of both maternal age, and – most importantly – in the parity of birth. Unfortunately, data on births by parity of children by age of mother in 1995–1998 were lost.
Since the recovery of statistical reports of births by parity there has been an opportunity to reconstruct the mid 1990 time period using interpolation. This approach makes it possible to find such number of births, whose fertility rates gradually pass from the known coefficients before lacuna to known coefficients after the data gap. In addition, the approach of interpolation (ex post) automatically takes into account the delay fertility for childbearing parity, without requiring additional hypotheses.
An important summary measure of age profile of fertility is mean age at childbearing. Implemented calculations show that in 1996 the average age of mother at birth of first, second, third and fourth child began to increase. Given the relatively small incidence of fifth children and the following parities can probably only say that this figure began to rise in mid-1990. These data will be useful in the study of structural changes in fertility in these turning points.
Key words: parity of birth, mean age at childbearing, age specific fertility rate.
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