¹2 (22) 2014
Demography and social economy, 2014, 2(22):231-243
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2014.02.231
O.G. Didkivs`ka
Junior researcher Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Section: Researches of the young scientists
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article reviews actual issues of interaction inside labor market between employers and the graduates of the vocational education establishments which are considered as a «final product» of the activities of these subjects of educational services. In this context, the author pays particular attention to the economical category of graduates’ competitiveness after the completion of training programs at educational establishments of Ukraine. This article proposes the methodical approach, according to which the «graduate’s competitiveness» category is closely related to the level of his tenure of socio-professional competencies gained during the professional training. For this purpose a complex model that is based on the use of fuzzy set theory and takes into account employers’ behavior and graduates’ behavior at a labor market is suggested by the author. The formalization of the problem situation through the proposed theoretical model gives an opportunity to make a conclusion that one must take into account some causal relationship between the level of the professional competence and the probability of employment, between the level of educational and qualification degree obtained during the training and the employment, and between the chosen specialty and the success of employment during the study of the process of graduates’ adaptation at a labor market. The proposed model opens new possibilities within this direction and allows to predict the major changes in the parameters of labor market in the context of youth with initial workplace. The uniqueness of this model lies in its high functionality when developing the national education policy and labor market policy. It is necessary to expand the informational base concerning the activity of the universities and to replenish it with the indicators that demonstrate the quality of education and indicators that indicate the level of employment of graduates in the fields for the practical use of this model.
Key words: labor market, graduate’s competitiveness.
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