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¹2 (22) 2014

Demography and social economy, 2014, 2(22):219-230
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2014.02.219

Post-graduate student, Kyiv National Economic University Named after Vadym Hetman – self-governing (autonomous) research university

Section: Researches of the young scientists
Language: English
Abstract: On the basis of the theoretical analysis of scientific thoughts the essence of the human capital competitiveness is revealed. The existing scientific approaches to a competitiveness assessment in the labor sphere are systematized. The necessity of an assessment support and regulation of the available human capital competitiveness in Ukraine according to the western requirements against the background of prospects of European integration of Ukraine is proved. Scientific and methodical approaches to the human capital competitiveness assessment at the medium economic level are suggested and approved. The list of human capital competitiveness components and indicators is proposed. The matrix of the human capital competitiveness is calculated using the statistics of Ukrainian regions.
Key words: human capital, competitiveness, sphere of work, competitive advantages, assessment, region, matrix of competitiveness of the human capital.
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