¹2 (22) 2014
Demography and social economy, 2014, 2(22):176-186
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2014.02.176
Dr., of science, chief researcher,
National Institute for Strategic Studies
Section: Migration processes
Language: English
Abstract: After Ukraine gained independence, with the freedom of movement and economic problems of transition period, migration of Ukrainian population greatly intensified. To ensure the social protection of citizens abroad Ukraine signed several international treaties on social security. However, bilateral social security agreements have still not been signed with some of the major destination countries, including Italy and Greece. A large number of migrant workers lack proper employment contracts and legal status in the destination countries and cannot enjoy the right to social security. The existing social security agreements are ineffective due to deficiencies in the agreements and the weak implementation capacities of States. Under these conditions, Ukraine bears the main burden of
rendering social benefits to migrant workers and their family members. There is an urgent need for the state to resolve the issue of social protection of migrants. Besides further negotiations on social security agreements with the major countries of destination of Ukrainian migrant workers, it is necessary to encourage participation of migrants in the voluntary pension insurance schemes in Ukraine.
Key words: labour migration, social security agreements, voluntary social insurance.
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