¹2 (22) 2014
Demography and social economy, 2014, 2(22):112-122
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2014.02.112
A.G. Zlotnykov
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD) Belarusian Trade and Economy University ofConsumer Cooperatives.
Section: Demographic processes
Language: Russian
Abstract: The interconnection of sociological methodology and modern demographical theory is analyzed. The impact of main methodological approaches for development of present demographical sciences is examined. The problems of demographical transition theory in connection with sociological methodology are characterized. An attempt is made with the aim to coincide the main conclusions of demographical transition theory with institutional and multi-paradigmal approaches. The necessity of research of interaction between demographical processes and social spheres, institutions and communities is considered. The theorem of demographical extranality is formulated.
Key words: sociological methodology and demographical sciences, demographical ideas and concepts, interaction of demographical processes with social sphere.
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