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¹1 (21) 2014

Demography and social economy, 2014, 1(21):37-47
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2014.01.037

O.V. Makarova
Doctor of sciences (Economy), Ptoukha Institute for demography and social studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Section: Socio-demographic changes in Ukraine: factors and prospects.
Language: Russian
Abstract: Significant changes of living conditions, social relationships and values require corresponding changes in the educational field. This is a global problem that concerns a lot of countries. In general, the education aims can be defined on 3 levels : 1) formation of world-view fundamentals, which have to provide life and stable development worldwide, 2) assurance of competitiveness, economic efficiency and human development in a particular country, 3) formation of personal competitiveness and self-realization capability of an individual.
As for Ukraine, there are also the following objectives: integration into the world educational space; implementation of the innovations needed to overcome a deep economic gap with the developed countries, the formation of the corresponding population value orientation.
Ukraine has achieved relatively high rates, that indicate the number of educated people, but the modernization constituent of educational policy is insufficient. Employees’ professional competence is becoming particularly important in the modern world, which is essential for achieving fast pace of growth and economic competiveness. As for Ukrainian society, there is still incompetence and low professionalism of employees: according to statistics, specialist positions in various fields are occupied by people who do not have corresponding education.
There is a positive relationship between education, social statuses, economic activities and health. Sta- tistics confirms that wages and total income depends on the level of education. Modeling results show – the higher level of education an individual has the more it contributes to wages rate. The largest impact has higher education, while vocational education contributes to the wages rate the least, which indicates its low efficiency. Despite the positive impact of education on wages rate, the results of models constructed for different time periods (2000, 2006 and 2012) show a significant reduction of such an influence. When in 2000, University degree provided 125% income increase (comparing with basic secondary education), in 2006 it reduced to 100.5%, and in 2012 percentage reduced to 64.5%. This indicates significant devaluation of education, which is probably caused by the growing number of people who have higher education degree. Thus, education policy modernization construction in Ukraine requires, first of all, to pay attention to vocational education, which should meet the requirements of the modern knowledge economy and promote innovation.
Key words: education, modernization, education policy goals, innovative education, knowledge economy, competitiveness.
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