¹1 (21) 2014
Demography and social economy, 2014, 1(21):222-232
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2014.01.222
I.O. Mostova
Ph.D. in geogr, Junior Researcher, Ptukha Institute for demography and social studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Section: The articles of junior researchers.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article deals with the general laws of migration, demographic and settlement processes and their interaction within the depressed regions. Basic demographic tendencies in the Kirovograd region are carried out. The population development, gender dynamics and its age structure and features of natural motion are analyzed in region-wise of the particular administrative units. Reasons for depopulation and «aging» of the population in the Kirovograd region are defined. Grouping of administrative units in a particular area is carried out based on the indexes of natural motion of the population.
The migration rates within the region and main reasons for internal regional, interregional and inter-
national migrations are described. The features of migratory reduction of the population in rural areas and municipal settlements are under analysis.
The basic components of Kirovograd sub-settlement system are distinguished. The negative effects
of settlement processes are under investigation. The quantitative ratio of urban and rural areas is analyzed. The density of population and density of settlements in the region is characterized. The basic features of Kirovograd sub-regional settlement system are pointed out. Among them we distinguish the decreasing total number of the population; decreasing population in rural communities and increasing population in urban areas.
Kirovograd regional settlement system is characterized by basic features such as the reduction of the
total number of population, depopulation in rural settlements and growth of population in the cities. As a result, small villages are disappearing. The reduction of population in the region is determined as the natural movement, and high rates of emigration. As a result, the mutual influence of the settlements of population, migrations and demographic processes during the 20-year period manifested in reduced density of population in the region by 18.2%, in settlement system transformations, reduced density of rural settlements and withdrawn from the account of 21 villages. The rapid migration reduction of the population (especially rural) has begun in 1992.
It is concluded that the decline in population in the studied areas is caused by both natural movement
and high levels of emigration. It is reflected in the network of settlements, because the bulk of the population is concentrated near the industrial hubs.
Key words: depopulation, demographic indicators, migration, settlement system.
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