¹1 (21) 2014
Demography and social economy, 2014, 1(21):133-144
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2014.01.133
L.G. Bogush
Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Researcher, Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Section: Socio-economic problems.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Globalization of organizational and economic mechanisms of public production and focus on science-intensive modernization of its technical and technological base and structure, performing conditions to ensure economic competitiveness on the international scene, actualize priority and elaborate requirements for the quality of reproduction and effectiveness of use of Ukrainian socio-humanitarian potential. Needs of national security, at the same time, reinforce the importance of the preservation of its social and cultural identity as a prerequisite for the consolidation of society and territorial communities, stimulation of various aspects of innovative activity of socio-humanitarian and economic space segments and subjects, mitigation and prevention of depopulation and departure abroad labor force.
Reproduction and realization of social and humanitarian potential (as an aggregate of productive characteristics of human society and social institutions, established in order to ensure its life activity, development and implementation of labor, cultural, intellectual qualities of society subjects) takes place within the interacting economic and socio-humanitarian space. The material basis for the establishment and functioning of the socio-humanitarian space is created within public institutions, objects, their different infrastructure networks and systems, that in order to satisfy the material and non-material needs, to exchange products of economic management and communication, to accumulate, exchange and implement of knowledge and experience, to popularize creativity and beliefs, are established by individuals, groups, territorial communities and other communities of compact settlement and performing economical, cultural, religious activities. Functional segments of socio-humanitarian space form its spatial structure and territorial characteristics of social and humanitarian potential reproduction, significantly influencing the organization, specialization and diversification capabilities of regional economies, identifying requirements and priorities for the development of consumer and socio-cultural infrastructure networks.
Key words: social and humanitarian potential; socio-humanitarian space; quality of life; state social guarantees and standards; social priorities.
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