
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

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№2 (20) 2013

Demography and social economy, 2013, 2(20):82-92
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.02.082

A.G. Rogozin, I.P. Мakarenko

Section: Human development, social capital
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Owing to insufficient definiteness of social capital subject researchers constantly run into difficulties of measuring of this resource of development. Our purpose was the determination of favourable for innova- tion type of social capital and indexes of its accumulation on a macrolevel. Its achievement demanded an analysis, systematization and synthesis of results of numerous researches of foreign and domestic authors. This work was executed by us a lot of years in composition of research topics of the effective NIS creation in Ukraine. The results of this generalization were not published before are briefly set farther.
A social capital is the result of social networks of interpersonality co-operation functioning on the basis of the historically conditioned cultural values and civic norms. Its positive quality (for development) determines foremost the tightness of connections in a network. Development of less reliable ties assists distribution of knowledge and co-operation of economic activity. Such positive social capital accumulation assists economic development, but activation of innovation processes requires the specific social environ- ment and type of social capital characterizing with the combination of general trust (safety) and tolerance. In the innovation systems, depended on social and cultural specific of society, the complicated network structure are formed of strong and mainly less reliable ties. Within the framework of empiric sociological approach the multidimensional estimation of the positive social capital accumulation is practiced on a macrolevel. It takes into account: general trust, trust to the institutes, tolerance to the corruption, level of corruption (as result).
Public inequality (reflected with the indexes of the income distribution of population) is the determinant of positive social capital quality and its accumulation. Macroeconomic approach approximates it exactly by the level of inequality. The criterion of social environment favourableness for the economy growth is nonlinear allocation of incomes in society close to the Fibonachchi’s series. It allows to define the integral index of positive social capital accumulation on a macrolevel as a total deviation from such distribution.
Key words: social capital, networks, social environment, institutional structure, development of national economy, innovational systems, indicatoring indexes.
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