№2 (20) 2013
Demography and social economy, 2013, 2(20):70-81
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.02.070
I.M. Bobukh
Section: Human development, social capital
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents evaluating characteristics of Human Potential reproduction in Ukraine on the basis
of critical (threshold) indicators. According to the results of computation of the characteristics of human
development reproduction in Ukraine, the majority of indices of human development in the country are
beyond the critical values. This applies to the demographic indicators: Ukraine’s crude birth, death, depopu-
lation, aging rates of the population for a long time have been beyond the critical limits, which is resulting
in a steady decline in population with a tendency for further decrease. These demographic indicators reflect
the level and quality of life in general as well, which also deteriorate over time.
The article reveals that the parameters of the researched system development are situated mostly
outside of the critical values that can trigger structural changes in the economic system in the near future.
Reasonable steps to ensure successful changes of the economic system and the transition to a new quality of
human development in Ukraine are justified. In order to ensure significant changes in the field of adequate
social protection of the population in Ukraine in the near future, it is necessary to gradually increase the
levels of a living wage and minimal salary of citizens to the level of developed countries. The mechanism of
real estate taxation of Ukrainian population should be changed to be based on taxation models developed
by other countries, which assign taxation based on the value of real estate instead of the living space. Ac-
cordingly, the transparent, efficient and reliable system of value assessment of real estate on a national scale
needs to be developed and implemented.
The high levels of poverty, alcoholism, depopulation, decline in health of citizens, and even the large
number of suicides, especially among young people, are in part the result of ineffective implementation
of government programs for support of young families in Ukraine. Most of all, this applies to the social
protection of youth, affected by the unfair implementation of the Ukrainian state housing program by the
State Specialized Financial Institution «State Fund for Youth Housing», which also requires a new solution.
Mechanism should be developed and the actual funds should be provided to compensate for the households’
losses, regardless of new loans. It will allow them to at least partially solve the pressing issues of housing
and give confidence to citizens that they are residents of a legal state where civilized approaches to solving
the problem of social issues are appreciated. The responsibility for the mistakes made by the Ukrainian
government structures and the introduction of effective interventions to perform remedial action will also
be appreciated by the international community and increase the overall level of confidence in Ukrainian
government institutions that will contribute to a significant improvement of the investment climate in
Ukraine, and achievement of a new quality of human development.
Key words: human potential, economic critical values, reproduction characteristics of human potential, trends in human development ratio, improvement processes of human potential development.
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