№2 (20) 2013
Demography and social economy, 2013, 2(20):40-49
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.02.040
V.M. Novikov
PhD, Senior Researcher
M.V. Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies, NAS of Ukraine
V.V. Semenov
PhD, Senior Researcher
M.V. Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies, NAS of Ukraine
Section: Human development, social capital
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The reform of the Ukrainian economy, which began in the 90s, has become the most radical political and
ideological form of liberal theory – libertarianism. Obviously, this transformation could not offer a real
political program based on the principles of justice. Without social and philosophical analisys of the idea of
justice and its implementation into political practice a welfare state cannot be built.
Therefore, the search for the theoretical prerequisites for the development of society with equitable
social and humanitarian principles has become the main task of the research.
This article examines the key modern models of justice of the liberal and communitarian theories.
In spite of the positive analysis of the concept of justice in these theories there are narrowness within the
overall framework of the study. The focus is on functional theoretical approach to the consideration of
justice as a scientific definition and the mechanism for its implementation. The choice of this approach is
explained by the author’s position, according to which the principles of justice should be the basis for social
and humanitarian development, which implies humanization of the social infrastructure, equal access to
socially important services according to individual and community needs, with creativity which forms a
new type of consumer.
The normative approach to social justice is an imperative of human development. It stands today as a
universal method, especially the research approach, the findings of which are applied in the study of human
behavior in different areas.
In this regard, the most important is the problem of formal analysis of consumer behavior. The study
of socio-economic phenomena associated with creative behavior using mathematical models is a new and
not enough developed problem of economic and social sciences.
Creative behavior has stochastic nature and characterized by a fairly high level of uncertainty. The
mathematical modeling of dynamic processes in social systems enable to provide insight about state and
outcomes of actual practice which include the human factor, in particular, in individual and collective form.
While noting the qualitative characteristics of the process, sociodynamics leaves outside of their competence
the problem of equitable distribution.
Therefore, this article proposes to supplement the sociodynamics models with techniques that formal-
ize the social proportions on the basis of equality and justice.
Key words: justice, socio-humanitarian policy, sociodynamics, synergetics, evolutionary economics.
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