№2 (20) 2013
Demography and social economy, 2013, 2(20):213-223
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.02.213
M.V. Artiushenko, V.O. Drozd
Section: Social and labour relations
Language: Russian
Abstract: The method for assessing variability for statistical distributions analysis in multidimensional social and
economic systems is considered. Application the method is demonstrated on the example of the analysis
of labour market structure on number and qualification of unoccupied citizens in Ukraine. Statistical
interference of processes in economy (gross national product) with changes in labour market structure is
determined. At the analysis of great volumes of the statistical data they are structured, separated into categories by certain features. Informatively important integrated characteristics of such big and complex systems
can be expressed by means of indexes which show how much some values are non-uniformly allocated by
categories. Complex systems structure investigation requires laconic exhaustive integrated estimations that
allow comparing various structures of similar systems, for example, variabilities (scope of variability) of
distributions by categories (variety of structures), investigating their dynamics and establishing statistical
interrelations with socio-economical processes. In the considered method the entropic approach is used for
variability estimation. On the basis of the generalised Renyi entropy the variability indexes are entered.
Economic dynamics at the time of reforms when transformations are accompanied by recession and
production growth, changes in technological level and prices, pressure in social sphere, invariably affects
a labour market and in many respects determines its structure. The method of variability is used for the
analysis of structure dynamics changes of the labour market in Ukraine for 10 years. The statistical, correlation interrelation of the labour market structure variability index with changes in the structure of the
gross domestic product is established.
Key words: labour market, structure, method of statistical analysis, entropy, sample, variability indices.
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