
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

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№2 (20) 2013

Demography and social economy, 2013, 2(20):179-192
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.02.179

T.A. Zayats
PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher M.V. Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies, NAS of Ukraine

Section: Social and labour relations
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Modernization of social and labour relations is a process of their renewal and bringing into compliance with new requirements for adaptation to conditions of socio-economic instability, cyclicality of economic growth and need to reduce social spending. Theoretical foundations of generation of different forms of social and labour relations modernization are changing under such conditions, influenced by constitutional, legal, institutional, economic, cultural and technologic modernization.
The modern transformational changes in the course of social and labour relations development are presented by such tendencies: changes in economic base of their formation as a result of business entities multiplicity, diversity of interaction forms between them, incompleteness of institutional provision of modernization changes, degradation of workplaces system in real economy, absence of motivated entity of modernization changes in the sphere of social and labour relations.
The implementation of the course for renewal of social and labour relations is being carried out with some limitations due to fiscal deficit, unattractiveness of workplaces to investors, processes imbalance on the labour market and suboptimal redistribution of resources between the spheres of business activities.Considering the current social and labour relations from the perspective of main entities interactions it is necessary to note the dominance of state institutions, which provide regulatory support for them, define social and labour standards and develop relevant programs in the employment sector.
In the realities of the Ukrainian economy it is necessary to implement the option of the so called «organic modernization», involving the use of domestic resources of development with clear definition of sources and mechanism of investment support, innovative means and vision of estimated social results. Efficient institutional modernization should anticipate the use of strategies of systemic impact on the economic behaviour of these relations entities in order to reinforce their interest in the success of the planned changes.Successful modernization of social and labour relations in Ukraine aims to achieve political consolidation of society, effective economic policy, mental perception of imperative of institutional social and labour relations modernization. Under these conditions the modern social policy should have a higher level of target orientation on acceleration of modernization processes.
Conceptually the modernization of social and labour relations should provide: the institutional space formation with reliable and consistent formal and informal norms, mechanisms and tools; the development of social component of relations with clearly defined benchmarks and targets. Main objectives should be focused on ensuring the democratic development of these relations based on the rule of law, legitimacy and parity. The main principles of such modernization are: priority of national interests in preservation of workplaces and labour potential; social responsibility of representatives of social and labour relations; social security and labour protection; harmony and target unity of methods and tools for modernization, diversification of its directions.
Key words: modernization of social and labour relations, forms and directions of modernization, interaction between entities, policy of modernization, principles and directions of modernization of social and labour relations.
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