
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

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№2 (20) 2013

Demography and social economy, 2013, 2(20):156-166
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.02.156

O.A. Malynovska

Section: Demographic processes
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This article is a brief overview of works dedicated to migration published by Ukrainian authors before 1991. Its purpose is to review their content, track their influence on the contemporary state of migration research. Although studying migration is perceived in Ukraine as a relatively new scientific sphere, it emerged on the basis of research undertaken in Soviet times, which is unfortunately wrongfully forgotten. Obviously, it was influenced by the current ideology, but it was highly professional, based on thorough knowledge of the subject and contained conclusions which are still topical.
Migration studies in Ukraine originated with the establishment in 1919 of Institute of Demography of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, under the lead of the prominent Ukrainian demographer M. Ptoukha. However, in late 1930s, when the shocking consequences of the «Great Famine» and repressions have become evident, demographic studies were suspended, the Institute was dismissed, with the majority of its employees subjected to repression.
It was not until the Khrushchev Thaw that the migration studies were resumed. This can be explained by the wide-scale cultivation of virgin lands and exploration of natural resources in remote and poorly inhabited areas of the USSR, which demanded massive relocation of population.
In 1960s scientists were mainly practicing analysis of statistical data and studying the stocks, destinations and composition of migration flows. In 1970s–1980s migration processes were increasingly analyzed from theoretical point of view; scientists explored interrelations between migration and other social processes, developed research methodology and elaborated recommendations to improve migration policies. It can be assumed, that such a promotion of theoretical studies could be provoked by the limited potential for empirical studies in combination with the censoring restrictions for publishing statistical data. Because the country was totally closed for the outside world, with emigration being equal to high treason, only internal migration could be a subject for studying. The key topic of research was rural-urban migration, including education migration of rural youth. Commutation and seasonal migration were also subject to research.
Ukrainian authors of Soviet era made no distinction between migration of population and workforce replacement. They admitted that the main peculiarity of migration in socialist society lied in its systematic nature. That is why they paid great attention to the organized resettlement of peasants from areas lacking arable land to areas with considerable land resources, as well as to recruitment of workforce according to labour contracts, assigning graduates to jobs, youth mobilization campaigns of the Komsomol. As it was obvious that many migrants found it hard to live at new places and thus left them soon, scientists focused on issues of migration policy.
Contemporary migration researchers in Ukraine are applying experience which was gained by Ukrainian scientists of Soviet era, as well as the methodology they used and data collected. At the same time, the inherited tradition causes cautious attitude of some scientists to migration – they view it as a deviation from norm and a challenge for the social development. Migration in the Soviet period (such as deportations, emigration for political reasons) remains an ideologically sensitive topic, which hinders its prejudice-free analysis. In some spheres the consistency of researches was interrupted. For example, study of interior migration has practically ceased. The analysis of external migration obtained an asymmetric character: the subject of the researches is mainly migration towards the West, while Russia remains the main partner of Ukraine in population exchange. Contemporary authors also lack theoretical perception of migration processes when compared to the Soviet scientists.
Key words: migration, migration research, Soviet period.
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