№2 (20) 2013
Demography and social economy, 2013, 2(20):137-146
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.02.137
O.O. Davydyuk
Section: Demographic processes
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article presents the results of an empirical study on the definition of the place of women in domestic politics, in particular, in the context of the age structure of the respondents. Since the democratic vector of
society requires equal participation of both sexes in public and political life, and the degree of involvement
of Ukrainian women in the political sphere is so low that virtually eliminates the protection of the interests
of a particular social group – respectively, the updated scientific understanding of the problems of sociocultural matrix, regulating the values, norms, stereotypes, which work against the participation of women in
the political sphere. Social fullness of gender stereotypes requires analysis of a range of symptoms, including
age plays an important role, as it allows to trace the dynamics of gender stereotypes – the study of gender
stereotypes among the older generation can identify the position from which pushes the modern society, the
definition of gender stereotypes inherent in the younger generation orients about where we are heading, as
tomorrow will be shaped socio-cultural matrix. Therefore, a comparative study of the relationship of different
age groups to the political activity of women reveals the degree of advancement of modern Ukrainian society
to accept and recognize the democratic values of the parity of the sexes in politics and power relations.
Analysis of the impact of such a feature, such as age, attitudes towards women’s political leadership,
has revealed that the postulate according to which older people more negatively disposed relative to women’s
political leadership than members of the younger generation, is belied by the survey, it was shown that, on
the contrary, it is youth demonstrated a higher level of parochialism gender stereotypes. As a result, recorded
a negative trend of gender stereotypes about women’s political leadership.
Analyzed the causes of this trend in the context of the formation of new negative images and
social roles of women in the public mind. In particular, it is noted that the negative dynamics of gender
stereotypes – a reflection of the existing social practices. Since the government policy on gender equality
remains a declaratory nature, accordingly, it is not effective, generating function and reproduction of gender
stereotypes operate the media, which produce primitive patriarchal model of survival of women in difficult
social and economic conditions, and the double standards in society, poverty-ridden devoid of prospects for
personal fulfillment, women are becoming the carriers of passive behavior on political activities.
In the context of the development and implementation of measures aimed at the formation of the
Ukrainian society, gender parity, it is noted that the movement towards equal opportunity involves, first of
all, the transformation of social consciousness and changing social practices. It is proved that it is the changes
in the social practice of forced involve changes in attitudes, norms, values, stereotypes, on the other hand,
the transformation of stereotypes will inevitably affect the social reality, modifying it.
Key words: gender, gender equality, dynamics of gender stereotypes, women’s political leadership, the age structure.
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