№2 (20) 2013
Demography and social economy, 2013, 2(20):125-136
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.02.125
S.Yu. Aksyonova
PhD, M.V. Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies, NAS of Ukraine
Section: Demographic processes
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Time spent on paid work in Ukraine is quite regularly studied in the framework of population surveys
(households) on economic activity, while at the same time the problem of the time spent doing housework is
studied sporadically and only in the context of more large-scale surveys. The economic essence of housework
leads many to search for different approaches to its valuation. However, the complexity, methodological
limitations, controversial nature of the many proposed evaluations determines the need to use time as a
measure of housework cost.
In 2004 Ukraine joined the European Social Survey (ESS). The data provided by the ESS project creates
a unique opportunity for comparing quantitative indicators of the European countries’ development. The
main tasks of the fifth round (2010) were studying the experience of work and the identification of conflict
between work and family obligations, finding time spent on paid work and domestic work of the respondents
and their partners. The purpose of our research is to provide an analysis of the time spent on housework for
women and men who have paid work, to identify the gender differences in this field, to compare the situation
in Ukraine and other European countries. This paper goes back to one of the main approaches that have
commonly been used in the study of household division of labor – the theory of time availability. According
to this theory, the spouse who spends more time on paid work reduces their participation in housework.
The results of the survey reveal that in Ukraine women aged 20–49 years who had paid work and have
never been married spend on average 17 hours a week on housework. Already at the first stage of family life
cycle, even when there are no children, domestic work is more time-consuming than it was in the period
before marriage. In most countries the time spent on housework increases in both women and men. However,
in Ukraine, as well as in Poland and Estonia marriage helps men to reduce their time spent on housework.
The presence of children in the family further increases the time spent on homework (in this survey the time
spent on childcare was not considered), and deepens the gender differences. In many European countries
the average indicator of time spent on domestic work for women aged 20–49 who were married and had
children and had paid work does not exceed 20 hours a week, but in Ukraine this indicator was 24.6 hours
(for reference, in Norway women spend 12.8 hours per week on housework). In Ukraine, men’s average
housework time was also the highest among European countries (14.5 hours per week), but despite that
gender difference turned out to be very significant.
In order to verify the correctness of the theory of time availability, we have examined the responses
of three groups of women: 1) those who spend time on paid work as much as their husbands, 2) those who
spend more time on paid work than their husbands, and 3) those who spend less time on paid work than
their husbands. In many European countries the average time spent on housework of women who spend
less time on paid work than their husbands was more than time of women who spend on paid work as
much as their husbands. The average time spent on housework labor among women who devote paid work
more time than their husbands was the smallest among the considered groups. These results support the
theory of time availability. Unlike many European countries in Ukraine women who are more active in the
labor market are also more active in the domain of housework. For the majority of Ukrainian women it is
important to be successful in all areas of life. At the same time, problems of development of the domestic
services market make it difficult to perform household responsibilities on desired (for women) level without
significant losses of time.
Key words: time spent on housework, domestic labor, gender differentiation, paid work.
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