
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

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№1 (19) 2013

Demography and social economy, 2013, 1(19):78-88
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.01.078

O.U. Amosov, N.L. Gavkalova

Section: Efficiency of social policy.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The modernization of the Ukrainian society, the foundations of which have been formed and declared in the concept of sustainable socioeconomic development of the country, involves reforms in all spheres of our life. Modernization of the industry relies on innovations in the formation and use of economic resources. Labor as an economic resource plays, first of all, the leading role in the formation and use of human resources, and secondly of social resource. Thus, ensuring the effectiveness of personnel management, which is based on the concept of social management, which replaced the concept of human resource management, is not only a prerequisite, but the basis of the effective operation of an enterprise, and the issues related to determining the place of the social component in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of personnel management, is relevant in contemporary realities of machine-building enterprises development.
The purpose of the study is the rationale of scientific and theoretical aspects of the effectiveness of personnel management and the development of methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness with the determination of the social component. The paper focuses on the determination of the effectiveness of personnel management, that is proposed to be conducted based on specially designed or adapted metrics. Building a structural model, which includes figures that illustrate the effectiveness of personnel management is proposed to assess the effectiveness. The features of the proposed structural model: first of all, it reflects certain processes or phenomena in a simplified form, secondly, it has certain structural components connected by common content and substance, and thirdly, it is characterized by structural stability under external and internal vibrations of the system. While it was being built the classification of indicators for measurement of management effectiveness was carried out according to their types with the addition, as suggested by the authors, to the main components: social, economic, organizational that characterize intellectualization of labor efficiency, and innovational investment efficiency. To determine the significance of the influence of higher order model components, the method of peer review has been used, which was also used for the survey at the machine-building plants: the study was conducted by the authors at 25 machine-building enterprises of Kharkov. The analysis of the expert evaluation results suggests the priority of underlined components of effective personnel management: the most significant influence is exercised by the effective intellectualization of labor (26 points), followed in descending order – by economic efficiency (40 points), innovative and investment efficiency (54 points), social efficiency (84 points), organizational effectiveness (96 points).
Social efficiency involves the effectiveness of social policy, which is determined by the degree of personnel social security by related benefits and guarantees, the level of trust in the actions of the leaders of the company, the creation of social infrastructure, thereby increasing the effectiveness of management, ensuring decent working and living conditions of employees, the effectiveness of group interaction, which depends on the cohesion of a team and the social and psychological atmosphere in it, the motivation, the need and the effectiveness of different methods of control, the effectiveness of the implementation of major systems of staff interaction, which is determined by the state of human resource management at an enterprise, including the actions in planning the need for workers, their selection, adaptation, placement, training, assessment, management, career movement, motivation.
The low value of the social efficiency impact on the overall effectiveness of personnel management (84 points) indicates the inadequacy of social security, weak determination of the social component and, therefore, limited socially oriented activities at machine-building enterprises. All this requires a search for additional sources of financing, creation of social infrastructure, provision of proper working conditions, enabling the use of social packages, creation of positive group dynamics by extending the list of activities for staff development with training, roleplay, case studies, simulation of critical situations, revival of mentoring, formation of basis for the development of effective organizational culture, formation of leaders’ competencies to develop strategies for staff social development, the social structure of a unit. Thus, an important task for the leaders of machine-building enterprises in achieving efficiency of personnel management is to create conditions for social efficiency that are the basis of the formation of socially oriented personnel management.
Key words: social component, personnel management efficiency, model, social effectiveness.
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