№1 (19) 2013
Demography and social economy, 2013, 1(19):47-56
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.01.047
O.V. Makarova
Ph.D. in econ., Senior Researcher, Ptoukha Institute for demography and social studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Section: Efficiency of social policy.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Among the main components of the social policy of Ukraine the implementation of social support programs remains a priority. According to the survey of household living conditions, about 60% of households are
covered by some type of social assistance. The privilegs program, used by almost half of households, is the
most common. However, assessment of impact of programs shows varied results: there is still a high poverty
level among families with children (especially with children under the age of 3 and large families) while
the level of wages does not guarantee poverty protection. On the other hand – propagation of paternalist
mentality and little activity in seeking independent ways out of difficult situations are observed. Insufficient
effectiveness of social assistance programs is caused by the legislation imperfection and the difficulties of
adequate needs assessment of applicants for social assistance.
Apparently, financial assistance is not the best kind of poverty protection, because it does not eliminate
its reasons, among which the main are: absence of suitable work or qualification, disability, serious illness,
property or housing loss and inability of family to carry out its functions adequately.
Therefore, the emphasis of the social policy should be shifted from material assistance assignment to
the implementation of social inclusion measures, return to the labor market and independent living. According to the survey4, most of the recipients have problems with employment. Particularly, almost 40% of
the families that receive childcare assistance (children under the age of 3) and low-income family assistance,
include unemployed and able-bodied individuals who want to find work. The main reasons that prevented
employment were: lack of permanent job or professional job, low wages. Almost one out five families mentioned family circumstances as the reason.
One of the reasons for long-term poverty of the applicants for benefits are the established poverty mental
attitudes. As a rule, such people do not believe in their own strength and that there is a demand for their
experience and knowledge, they are afraid of changes; not relying on their own strength, they just count on
government assistance, they often show life passivity, and have understated self-appraisal. Such situation is
particularly dangerous for families with children, as a child who grows up in a poor family is more likely to
live in poverty in future – in adult life.
Even a traditional type of assistance such as benefit for the childcare (under the age of 3) affects the
recipients’ psychology. A woman after childbirth finds herself in a social situation that can cause understated
self-appraisal, a sense of social irrelevance, financial inability and absence of any prospect.
Studies confirm the fact that the families of social assistance recipients do not feel only material
difficulties. Loss of several functions is frequently observed in such families and this is often connected
with anti-social behavior of family members. Without external interference they are not able to overcome
difficulties, and loss of time in turn carries considerable danger for child health and development, and
can also lead to criminal consequences. Obviously, in such situations complex family support provided
by professional service is necessary. Complex support and social adaptation measures should include
psychological work, vocational guidance and education, public work programs and employment, provi-
sion of health and social services. The implementation of a Social contract between social assistance
recipients and the agencies that are authorized to provide it can be a possible form of social support.
This model includes development of individual support programs – a plan of action from both sides
of the contract. Similar technology has been used for several decades in many countries. Recently, this
practice has been introduced in the Russian Federation. And despite some shortcomings in the application
experience, in general, its performance is evaluated positively – as support on a qualitatively different level –
not only as material assistance but also as a social inclusion.
Apart from this, the procedure of determining actual need for social assistance should be improved,
since right now about 18% of the total household income is not considered when eligibility for assistance
is determined. This is caused both by methodological problems (for example, the difficulty of assessing
income from land and agricultural activities), and the spread of shadow employment in the population.
Thus, more sophisticated methods of income estimation should be applied, including – indirect, as well
as implementation of needs inspection for social assistance applicants, expansion and strengthening of the
social inspector status.
Key words: state social assistance, targeting and effectiveness of social programs, social support, needs assessment.
1. Матеріали, підготовлені фахівцями Українського Центру соціальних реформ у рамках надання консультативних послуг з проекту «Удосконалення соціальної допомоги» Міністерства соціальної політики України.
2. Закон України «Про державну допомогу сім’ям з дітьми». Відомості Верховної Ради України (ВВР), 1993, № 5, ст. 21.
3. Сайт Державної служби статистики України: www.ukrstat.gov.ua
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