№1 (19) 2013
Demography and social economy, 2013, 1(19):5-16
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2013.01.005
V.S. Steshenko
PhD Economics, Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Section: Demographic processes and trends.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: “Population development” is often interpreted as changes in different indicators, limiting the analysis of
which is a sign of staying in positions of statistical demography, which does not include the capacity for
understanding the essential in the demographic. The development of population self-reproduction is primarily a change in its quality within a particular historical type, which is accompanied by the increasing
complexity of socio-demographic space and time. Population development is the process of preservation of
population measure as the achieved results of historical progress. When that measure is cardinally broken
because of population quality decline, a demographic crises occurs which can eventually transform into a
demographic disaster. The main evidence for population development is human development.
Human development is treated as an integral characteristic of achievements on the path of progress
and culture, as the growth of human capabilities through the use of own forces. Today, the study of human
development is largely associated with the development and analysis of the human development index. The
refusal to identify demographics with demographic statistics will help deepen the conceptual fundamentals of human development research as a field of knowledge which carries out not only empirical but also
theoretical developments.
Human development usually occurs through the satisfaction of needs, first of all the most basic ones.
The set of human needs depends on the already achieved level of development: the higher it is, the more
diverse are the needs. According to the essential development characteristics people can be divided at
microlevel into: (a) those who are not satisfied with the basic needs, which means that there are no basic
conditions for development; (b) those who have the basic necessities; and (c) those whose needs are met at
the highest reasonable level, including the need for creativity. In the statistical context the development level
of an average individual could be determined by the proportion of those whose reasonable needs, including
higher needs, are all satisfied, that is, those who have a favorable environment for development. Thus the
qualitative aspect of the demographic development could be reflected.
The nature and extent of human development depends primarily on the “demographization” of all
spheres of public life, that is, on their focus on the solution of demographic problems in the broadest sense.
If there was such a focus in all areas of the socioeconomic policy, it would simultaneously contribute to
human development, and, vice versa, human development would become the content of development in
the formation of a more progressive type of population self-reproduction.
Key words: population development, human development, regime and type of population reproduction, demographic crisis and disaster, quality of the population, microdemoreality, needs.
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