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¹2 (18) 2012

Demography and social economy, 2012, 2(18):85-94
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.02.085


Section: Social policy.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Housing problem solving is one of the most important social priorities. This cannot be achieved without developing efficient mechanisms of state support of measures on ensuring affordable housing and housing conditions improvement. The attitude to the real estate changes step by step. The profitability of real-estate related business falls down, the risks increase and, as a result, decreases the share of entrepreneurs who’s main source of income is real estate. This circumstance mainly causes the trend of considerable decrease of speculative transactions number at the housing market. The second component of formation of trend to decreasing of speculative transactions on purchase- sale of housing has become introduction of the procedure of non-cash payments when acquired, it makes almost impossible to use funds received in the shadow sector. The changes to laws have laid a fundament for housing construction division into commercial housing and housing for personal needs.
The above reasons may result in considerable decreasing of funds coming to the construction sector during the next 3–4 years. Preliminary calculations show that such decreasing may total 30–40%.
In the article it is stipulated that the main problem that has to be solved in Ukraine today in order to change the existing trends – uncertainty of forms and instruments of state support of implementation of housing rights of the citizens of Ukraine. This problem is mostly of ideological nature. The state policy in this field is based on the fact that the housing conditions of the citizens of Ukraine could be improved only by taking the housing as a property, even if the families have no financial capacity and no wish to be the property owners.
On the basis of the analysis of foreign experience the authors show the falsity of such approach and prove the necessity to concentrate state support at construction of rent and social housing. Rent housing may total 25–70% of the housing fund, in the capitals of the most of the developed countries this ration varies from 40 to 90%.
The authors’ calculations clearly show that directing the state support in housing sector to creation of financially unsecured housing owners results in increasing of the construction costs under the current conditions in more than 2 times. At the same time budget funds are settled mostly in banking sector. Aggravating circumstance of implementation of the governmentally proposed model for housing problems solving is that the state budget expenditures for the program “Affordable Housing” shall constantly grow, and the scope of housing in terms of development pace will be far behind the growth in funding. In case of redirecting the budget support to socially oriented program (construction of rent and social housing) having the same level of annual expenditures from the state budget it could be constructed in 25–30% more housing and the apartment cost could be decreased almost in 2 times. These funds will be used for their direct purpose – for creation of socially oriented housing funds and solving of housing problem for those who actually need it.
Key words: construction, state budget, housing policy, hypothec, investments, funds, credit, social program, housing market.

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