№2 (18) 2012
Demography and social economy, 2012, 2(18):63-73
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.02.063
Section: Living standard and quality of life.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The major problems related to accumulation and use of budgetary costs on cultural sphere, consideration
of peculiarities of the program-target method introduction and discovering quantitative relationships between some macroeconomic indicators and the volume of public funding for culture based on econometric
methods were found out in the article.
The author has revealed that to the end of 2010 the norms of distribution of GDP, specified in the Law of
Ukraine on „The basis of legislation of Ukraine about culture”, had declarative character and could not be
executed. It resulted in creation of opaque mechanisms of maintenance of obligations of the government
and subjectivism in allocation of the limited budgetary resources in the cultural sphere. At the same time, the
researcher has noted that a correcting of cultural sphere’s budgetary providing based on current legislation
improvement and abolition earlier operating norms of assignation has taken place in 2000-2011.
Comparison of a share of budgetary expenditures (in percents to GDP) on the cultural sphere in Ukraine
and the European Union revealed that they were approximately identical, but the structure of budgetary
expenditures on the cultural sphere in our country had own peculiarities during 2000–2011, that allowed to
distinguish three stages: 2000–2004, 2005–2008, from 2009 until present. The assignations on the cultural
sphere directed in support of current state of affairs, preservation of human capital and existing production
capacity. It was determined that the existence of „special” government attitude towards the cultural sphere
furthers uncertainly of cultural policy realizations, reduced the cultural level of population and simplification of life with an orientation on providing basic interests.
The author has analyzed the specifics of program-target method’s implementation of the cultural sphere’s
budgetary financing, which assist to increase transparency of budget spending on culture and introduce
measures aimed at concrete results. It were noted that the most important problems of application program-target method in the cultural sphere were to finance the measures for realization of the corresponding
programs, change the priorities of the governmental programs, parallel existence of budgetary planning
methods, oriented to the expenditure’s management.
The author has constructed the following econometrical models: y = 664,37*Ln (x) – 3038,19, R2 = 0,9728,
where y – the growth rates of spending on culture from the Consolidated budget, x – consumer price index;
y = 90634*е-0,0617х, R2 = 0,334, where y – the growth rates of spending on culture from the Consolidated
budget, x – the growth rates of gross domestic product (GDP). Primary on the macro level in determining
the volume of the cultural sphere’s expenditures from Consolidated budget the government followed by the
dynamics of inflationary processes in the national economy.
The scientist has distinguished such peculiarities of distribution and use of budgetary facilities on the cultural
sphere in Ukraine: existence of contradiction between the declared obligations and real possibilities from
its implementation by the government; narrowing of possibilities of the use development expenditures for
innovations; weakness of using of program-target methods for the cultural sphere at national level; focus of
the budgetary planning on a short-term period and account for the inflationary component at determination of budget expenditures.
The author has suggested such directions of improving budgetary providing of the cultural sphere in Ukraine:
to use the medium and long-term methods for budget planning more active; to define the marginal limits of
distribution of GDP on the cultural sphere and secure this norm in the current legislation; to provide stability in forming of development expenditures in the preparation of annual budgets by establishing minimum
of their possible part in the general and special funds of budget; to balance the volumes of financing of the
target national and cultural programs with available budgetary resources.
Key words: state budget, financial provision, cultural sphere, public goods, public sector.
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