
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

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№2 (18) 2012

Demography and social economy, 2012, 2(18):43-52
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.02.043

Ph.D., Ptoukha Institute for demography and social studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Section: Living standard and quality of life.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Improving of the quality of working life may be achieved on the basis of the providing of minimum social guarantees of employment, social and labor relations, strengthening of the social protection of employees and the effectiveness of social dialogue. High quality of life is the basis for economic growth and social development of the individual in the context of innovative changes as an important factor of a human development.
Insufficient quality of working life in Ukraine due to the imperfection of the reproduction process and the development of labor potential, inefficient system of incentives for productive labor, the unjustified differentiation of wages, lack of possibilities for the professional development, adverse working conditions, risks of industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
Quality of working life is considered as an integral indicator of the labor potential using and satisfaction of the employed population, possible intellectual, spiritual and physical development of human labor. Quality of working life (from an objective position) depends on the degree of realization of economic, technological, social, organizational and informational conditions of society that provides opportunities for the development of labor potential. Subjective factors promote the improvement of the quality of working life of individual employees associated with the presence or absence of motivation and personal characteristics necessary for the implementation of the labor potential of individuals.
Factors affecting the quality of working life (as an unity of objective and subjective characteristics) can be categorized into the following functional criteria: the nature and duration of exposure, directions and scope. The factors on the quality of working life have divided into stimulants and destimulants. Unidirectional and multi-vector factors of the quality of working life influence had singled out. In the first case, the synergistic effect of a positive impact on the quality of working life is greatly enhanced, while the vectorial direction of the impact more difficult to achieve results.
Level of social protection provided to employees and their families, both by employers and by the government, reflecting the effectiveness of social policies, acts as a motivating factor of the quality of working life improvement.
Providing opportunities for the mobilization of personal potential as a component of the competitiveness of labor, the formation of interpersonal relationships are aimed on the improving of work culture and communication, the realization of ethical and moral standards.
Key words: quality of working life, Factors affecting the quality of working life, Trends of the improvement of the quality of working life.
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