
№2 (18) 2012

Demography and social economy, 2012, 2(18):151-159
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.02.151


Section: The articles of junior researchers.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Crimes committed in a state of alcohol intoxication occupy a high position among the general rate of crime in Ukraine. On the one hand, those crimes can be prevented in a large group of people of reproductive age who can work for the benefit of our country. On the other hand, the imprisonment of criminals delays socialization and the full intellectual and physical development of young people.
According to State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, in 1990–2010 27% of the crimes in Ukraine were com- mitted in the alcohol intoxication state. On average, during this period there were 481.1 thousand crimes committed per year4, of which 129.9 thousand – in a state of alcohol intoxication5. Among the crimes there are dominated thefts, robberies, brigandage, intentional injuries, murders and attempts. Experts believe that these types of offenses are usually committed by people who are intoxicated.
During 1990–2010 it was noted the decrease in the number of crimes among prisoners aged 14–17 years (from 12.1% in 1990 to 6.4% in 2010). In 2010, among all convicted 25.6% were aged 18–24 years, 19.3% – aged 25–29 and 48.7% – aged 30 years and older.
In some European countries despite more high level of alcohol consumption the general criminality level including crimes committed under the influence of alcohol was three times lower than in Ukraine. For example, in 2002 in the European region 15.6 thousand injuries per 100 thousand cases were caused by the action of alcoholic substances from this «unintentional injury» – 4867 (31.1%), «intentional injury» – 1933 (12.4%). According to World Health Organization (WHO), 2.4 thousand murders and 4.1 thousand serious injuries per 100 thousand people were committed in Ukraine; 27% of these crimes were committed under the influence of alcohol-containing substances. The low crime rates in some European countries including crimes committed under the influence of alcohol are consequence of prophylactic, preventive measures and an integral approach of all European anti-alcoholic programs.
Alcohol consumption continues to be an important factor that contributes to the severe crime rate in Ukraine. Therefore, reducing the consumption of alcoholic liquids would reduce the crime rates. Among the many tools of anti-alcohol policy, WHO experts believe that the most effective are the following: the increase of the price of alcoholic beverages (minimizing accessibility), the prohibition of advertising, and the reorientation of the health system from the «struggle with alcoholism» to the prevention of alcohol consumption. The experience of many European countries has shown that the iterated measures (for example, «Framework for alcohol policy in the WHO European Region, 2000–2005» or «Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol», 2010) succeeded in reducing the level of problems (especially deaths, injury and crime) related to alcohol consumption and improved the welfare of the European society.
Key words: alcoholic substances, crimes committed in the state of alcoholic intoxication, criminalization.
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