
Журнал "Демографія та соціальна економіка"

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№2 (18) 2012

Demography and social economy, 2012, 2(18):124-131
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.02.124


Section: Poverty and social reproduction.
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Poverty exists in all countries, without exception, despite the difference in its extent, the level and depth.
Given the social and economic importance, all country is making certain efforts to reduce the negative impact of this phenomenon on the society and the national economy, because everybody understands: poverty limits not only the extent of personal needs, but also the aggregate demand, production and trade, as a result – holding back economic growth. Ukraine is not an exception that confirms the relevance of research to address the problem of poverty.
Recently in Ukraine a number of monographs on this and related issues were published and many theses were defended, but it doesn’t reduce the keen interest in the issue of poverty by national scientists. It is not surprising, because, firstly, the parameters of this phenomenon in the country are not only far from the desired level, but also from indexes’ of the leading countries in the world, and secondly, significant gaps exists in the research methodology of this phenomenon, and also in the conceptual apparatus; thirdly, public policy regarding poverty issues in general and Poverty Reduction Strategy in Ukraine, in particular, were not sufficiently effective; fourthly, there is no consensus among scientists on priorities of addressing poverty, on number of required resources and ways of their use; fifthly, there are still paternalistic attitudes of a large part of the population. Based on the results of the essential characteristics of the conceptual framework, were further developed the concepts of “poverty”– a state of the individual, in which one is suffering from insufficient meeting their needs, social exclusion and the illusory prospects of a decent standard of living due to low current income, lack of their own savings and limited credit availability; and “the solution of poverty” – the consolidation of the resources and efforts for reducing social tension in society by improving the lives of the poorest population and prevent impoverishment of middle class.
Completely solve the problem of poverty is almost impossible, but it seems a real to decline its scale, level and depth, as well as preventing impoverishment of the population. This requires adaptation of international best practices to Ukrainian condition, using of achievements of national scientists, making the necessary political and economic decisions, combining the efforts and resources of government, business and the public organization. It is necessary to change the priorities of the state policy: from combat poverty – to prevent it and systematically increasing human well-being, from unreasonable distribution of benefits – to target support for the poor, from the preferential support to vulnerable people – to target support for the most needy, from the declarative and populism – to responsibility for the effectiveness of implementing national (regional) programs.
A partial solution of poverty problem in Ukraine possible under condition of use an appropriate measures of government regulation the following areas: administrative, regulatory, organizational, political, social, economic.
Continued research on these issues will help to reduce the share of poor people, to improve social and economic situation in the country.
Key words: solution to the problem of poverty, promising directions.
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