¹2 (18) 2012
Demography and social economy, 2012, 2(18):103-114
doi: https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2012.02.103
PH.D., ðrofessor, PhD,
Director of the Institute of Ukrainian–Polish cooperation
Chair of Microeconomics, University of Information
Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Vice Director
of the Institute of Financial Research and Analyses in Rzeszów, Poland
Section: Social policy.
Language: English
Abstract: This article diagnoses the use of instruments supporting entrepreneurship by the Podkarpackie Province communes. The main research problem was formulated as follows: Do the instruments of supporting entrepreneurship
used by self-government affect the development of economic initiatives in the area of the surveyed communes? We
analyzed it in two areas. The first one focuses on the present state, analyzing the quality and directions of actions
taken by commune authorities in supporting economic initiatives as well as their results. The second one attempts
at pointing the solutions conducive to enterprise development and instruments ensuring their stimulation. The
main problem is accompanied by a number of detailed questions about the most frequent and effective support
forms, the reasons behind their choice, the assumptions of constructed development strategies and investments
made to improve the conditions of conducting business activities.
Key words: regional policy, entrepreneurship, working places , Podkarpackie Province, self-government administration, communes, economic initiatives.
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